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PhD student in the School of Public Health

Research Title: Mental resilience as a predictor of the overall functioning of IDF combat soldiers


Uria is the former head of physiotherapy department of the medical corps, IDF.

The aim of this study is to examine whether mental resilience at the beginning of the
soldier's military service can predict success, physical performance and incidence of

A retrospective case study on 2100 male soldiers who completed the CRS at the beginning of their training. A comparison will be made between resilience and medical and physical indices. A linear regression will perform to find the relationship between mental resilience and the dependent variables.
One possible result is that resilience can predict success, physical performance and incidence of injuries.

This information can be used in the sorting of soldiers in a more correct way. As a result, it may be possible to improve the ability to train fighters for higher strength and durability, both physically and mentally.

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