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Professor Mickey Scheinowitz, PhD 

Principal Investigator

Prof. Mickey Scheinowitz is an Exercise Physiologist with a specialization in Cardiovascular
Physiology. Mickey completed his doctorate (PhD) in the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv
University, then did a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
Bethesda, MD. During past years Mickey spent sabbatical leave in Washington Hospital
Center, Washington DC. For over 25 years Mickey has been a faculty member in the
Department of Biomedical Engineering and he also holds a secondary appointment
at the School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. 
Mickey, who was a gymnast, holds a Coach Certificate in Gymnastics and in Physical Fitness, and a Diploma in Sports Science and Coaching Theory, all from the School for Coaches, Wingate Institute, Israel.
Mickey began his professional career as a research assistant in the Department of Research and Sports Medicine at the Wingate Institute under the great supervision and mentorship of Dr. Oded Bar-Or and Dr. Omri Inbar. Subsequently, Mickey was a lecturer in Physical Fitness and Exercise Physiology and the Head of the Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program at Wingate College. Mickey also headed the Department of Physical Education and Sports at Bar Ilan University and until recently was the Head of Siim College for Physical Fitness and Coaches, Tel Aviv University Sports Center.
Mickey is a member of the Israeli Sports Medicine Society and served on it as a Committee Member for many years. He is also a "Fellow" of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), a member of the European College of Sports Sciences (ECSS), and is a member of the Development Committee at the International Council for Sport Sciences and Physical Education (ICSSPE). Mickey was a Committee Member of the Healthy Israeli 2020 Initiative, Israel Ministry of Health, and a member of the National Council of Cardiology and the National Council for Health Promotion, Israel Ministry of Health. 
In recent years, Mickey was the Founder and the first Director of Sylvan Adams Sports Institute at Tel Aviv University and within it has led to the reopening of a Master's Program in Exercise Physiology.
Mickey has a large research group that investigates diverse research questions in the field of Exercise Physiology. All research activity is performed at the Sylvan Adams Sports Institute, Tel Aviv University.



Professor Mickey Scheinowitz 

Exercise and Cardiovascular Physiologist


Department of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Engineering &

School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.



2019 Rectors’ teaching award, Tel Aviv University.



Physical Fitness Coach, The Net Holman School for Coaches, Wingate Institute, Israel.

Ph.D., Cardiovascular Physiology, Tel-Aviv University, Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv, Israel.   



International Advanced Course in Applied Work Physiology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Exercise Program Director of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certification Program, California, USA.

Post Doctorate, Laboratory of Experimental Physiology and Pharmacology, Cardiology Branch, NHLBI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.  

Sabbatical leave, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC.  

Directorship Program, Recanati Business School, Tel Aviv University.

Merage Institute Business Executive Program in Medical Device, California, USA.

Sports Science and Coaching Theory, Zinman College, Wingate Institute, Israel.



Department of Research and Sports Medicine, Wingate Institute. Research assistant. 

The Unit of Physical Education and Sports, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat- Gan, Israel - Head.

The Zinman College for Physical Education and Sport, Wingate Institute – Lecturer and Head of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program.

Cardiostyle, Maccabi Health Services, Tel-Aviv, Israel - Exercise Program Director.

Ministry of Health, Committee Member on “Cardiac Rehabilitation Services in Israel”.

Member of the National Council for Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases, Ministry of Health, Israel.

Member of the National Council for Health Promotion, Ministry of Health, Israel.

The Israeli Society for Sports Medicine: Committee member.

Israel Ministry of Health, Committee member in "Healthy Israeli 2020".

World Health Organization, Europe: Member (National representative) of the European Network for the Promotion of Health Enhancing Physical Activity (WHO-HEPA).

Committee Member, EIM (Exercise is Medicine) Education Board, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

National Representative, Lancet Physical Activity Observatory (

Head, Tel Aviv University Sports Center, Siim School for Coaches and Instructors.

Chairman: Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University,  Israel.

Founder and Director: Biomedical Technology Innovation Program, TAU (BioMedTech@TAU).

Member, Board of Governors, Tel Aviv University.

Founder and Director, Sylvan Adams Sports Institute, TAU.

Member, Sports Cardiology Forum, Israel Heart Association.

National Representative and Development Committee’s member, International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), Germany. 

President of the Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology, Tel Aviv, Israel.


ORCID: Click here


Co-founder and head of pre-clinical in STFix start-up company for the repair of rotator cuffs.

Currently, establishing a funded program on SportsTech Accelerator @ Tel Aviv University.


Holds several patents and patent application (PCT).​​​​​​​


©2022 by Scheinowitz's Lab

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